Perhaps You're Unemployed. Maybe You're Underemployed. Or It Could Be You're Looking For A New Job That Better Utilizes Your Education And Skills.
You've Come To The Right Place.
PMC Placement Management is committed to providing the highest quality placement service available in the industry. We strive to set an unprecedented standard of quality, reliability, value and service to the clients we serve.
PMC achieves our mission to "put the personal back in personnel" by utilizing friendly, knowledgeable staff who is committed to providing exceptional service to our clients and candidates. Confidently placing the most talented individuals with our valued clients has enabled PMC to live our vision within the local community. As PMC continues to grow, we consistently provide new candidates for companies that are in need and do so with a personal touch.
At PMC, our goal is not to have the most candidates. Instead we strive to have the most qualified candidates.
As a person looking for a job, we ask you to send a resume to our qualified recruiters. After you do so, we put you through a series of appropriate steps. We verify your education, training and credentials. and may even put you through online testing specific to your skill sets.
We perform background checks and of course, we verify your resume and references. Only then do we suggest you as a candidate to one of our exceptional clients.
Yes, it's a thorough and precise process. But it's the cornerstone of a successful start to your new career.
Are you looking for a full-time position? Or perhaps you're seeking temporary employment on an "as needed" basis.
PMC can help with both.
PMC is an area resource for organizations seeking employees. We work with a wide variety of companies, from manufacturing to service, medical to technology. We assess our client's needs and what they require from applicants, then we conduct a search of our database to find only the most qualified candidates. Because we have carefully assessed your skills, you can be certain that you will be a great fit for whatever the position demands.
You can be certain you'll never be sent on an interview for a position you're not qualified for.
Typically, once you're placed in an organization, the employer agrees that you will be retained for at least 90 days. But not every opening is typical. That's why PMC prides itself on our flexibility.
If your employer wants to permanently hire you after just 30 days, that's fine with us!
Until you are permanently hired PMC processes your payroll and acts as your employer of record.